Saturday, July 12, 2014

Leaving your workaholic life for a moment..

Day or two back came across an article of how we get involved in our daily routine that we don't even have time to relax, live life to fullest or enjoy life outside our set boundaries. One of my friends had posted the article of leaving your regular city life and going on an escapade of living in a remote island. 

Best thing that I found out from the reading was that how one's creative side explores from within; gets full support from family members which includes wife & 2 young children...ready to leave their luxurious life of states and settle down in a remote Fear or scared of anything...Being FEARLESS....

Suddenly one starts understanding the meaning of life...and rest all becomes immaterial...lesser money, no luxury of materialistic things & adjusting with new neighborhood....but then looking at the other side of the coin... living with nature, getting up late in morning, no rush or helping each other for breakfast, sitting at the river with fishing rod & feeling the light breeze, enjoying the birds chirping, water flowing, clear sky...; evening spent with sun setting down slowly...enjoying each & every moment....taking a walk with NATURE....

Really sometimes FEAR needs to be thrown out and chances to be taken with all bravery you can.....

For more understanding I am attaching the link of the article... probably whatever I have written is my own perception which could be different then others....

Enjoy reading this full article on the above link.....


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