Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Future of Work....

Came across really very interesting article the other day. It talks about how the way we work is going to change. What will it be that would lead to such an astonishing change?

I believe its all about ATTITUDE !!! Other is THINKING....how we perceive things & also how we execute the same....difference can be made..but are we ready for it....do we have that TRUST.....in ourselves & our employees or say team members...

Let me help you understand my views.

Here we are arguing whether working long hours is effective or smart working is more effective ! Well firstly we need to understand what is smart working. Right.
Smart working I understood is use of effective time management, flexible working hours & of course the use of technology.

Laptops, iPad or Tablets, 3G or 4G enabled Smart phones all are equipped with ease of use features.....these are the gadgets which suggests "Work From Anywhere if you really want to work & whenever you want to work"

Longer hours working itself means work more.

Here the author argues that once the smart working way is adapted the efficiency & effectiveness will increase against the long working hours pattern. Everyone would welcome more time to spend with their loved ones, more time to stay healthy or more time to explore their passion.

The article is written by Sir Richard Branson, the entrepreneur on whom world looks upon as man of innovation...

More depth read of the article can be found on the below link:


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