Thursday, July 17, 2014

Basic Rules..... just following the basic rules...things can turn around.....the below listed 5 things have been always told to me by my Grandpa & Dad....well my father is still inclined son learn these rules & you will have all the strength in world to live peacefully.......

means its an old saying....Stick to your basics....

Wow time evolves but certain practices stay the same....even after living in digital century or as we all say 21st century....old is old.....Learn the game....I suppose......

5 Things Successful People Do Before Breakfast

January 17, 2013 by Amanda Green

Being successful in life is more than just having a good career and money in the bank. Successful people have a higher quality of life and live happier, more fulfilled lives. Most people wish to be successful in life, but that can be easier said than done. It is a well known fact, however, that successful people do certain things differently than unsuccessful people.

Here are five things successful people do before breakfast:

1. Wake Early

Starting the day early, at 5:00 AM or 6:00 AM, is a habit successful people follow every day. While it is one of the greatest challenges you will face in your journey of self development, it is also one of the most rewarding. Waking early gives you time to start the day off right, taking time to get out of bed, shower, and embrace the day gradually, rather than rushing off to work at the last minute. Waking early also suggests that you are happy with your life and dedicated to personal growth.

2. Exercise

Setting a goal of exercising multiple times a week makes it easy to say, “I will do it tomorrow.” Successful people exercise every morning. Start your day off with a relaxing, invigorating session of yoga or Pilates to ensure that you are ready to embrace success.

3. Review And Rewrite Goals

Successful people are great at making and keeping goals. You should make an effort to read your list of long term and short term goals every day. Whether you have short term goals like keeping up with job performance, or long term goals like obtaining a degree from Sanford Brown, reviewing your goals can help keep you on track.

4. Set A Mentality

Whether you choose to do so by listening to inspirational audio books or visualizing the day ahead, setting a mentality is an important part of a successful person’s day. Visualizing the day ahead can prepare your mind for the tasks and challenges of the day.

5. Read The News

Successful people are people who have a good understanding of what’s happening in their community and the world around them. Not only does this prepare you for the day ahead, but it keeps you up to date so you can carry on a conversation about current events as well.

Successful people do a lot of things before breakfast to help them stay on track with their goals.

By waking early, exercising, keeping your goals, setting a mentality, and reading the news, you, too, can be successful.

Article Author: Amanda Green


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Future of Work....

Came across really very interesting article the other day. It talks about how the way we work is going to change. What will it be that would lead to such an astonishing change?

I believe its all about ATTITUDE !!! Other is we perceive things & also how we execute the same....difference can be made..but are we ready for we have that ourselves & our employees or say team members...

Let me help you understand my views.

Here we are arguing whether working long hours is effective or smart working is more effective ! Well firstly we need to understand what is smart working. Right.
Smart working I understood is use of effective time management, flexible working hours & of course the use of technology.

Laptops, iPad or Tablets, 3G or 4G enabled Smart phones all are equipped with ease of use features.....these are the gadgets which suggests "Work From Anywhere if you really want to work & whenever you want to work"

Longer hours working itself means work more.

Here the author argues that once the smart working way is adapted the efficiency & effectiveness will increase against the long working hours pattern. Everyone would welcome more time to spend with their loved ones, more time to stay healthy or more time to explore their passion.

The article is written by Sir Richard Branson, the entrepreneur on whom world looks upon as man of innovation...

More depth read of the article can be found on the below link:

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Leaving your workaholic life for a moment..

Day or two back came across an article of how we get involved in our daily routine that we don't even have time to relax, live life to fullest or enjoy life outside our set boundaries. One of my friends had posted the article of leaving your regular city life and going on an escapade of living in a remote island. 

Best thing that I found out from the reading was that how one's creative side explores from within; gets full support from family members which includes wife & 2 young children...ready to leave their luxurious life of states and settle down in a remote Fear or scared of anything...Being FEARLESS....

Suddenly one starts understanding the meaning of life...and rest all becomes immaterial...lesser money, no luxury of materialistic things & adjusting with new neighborhood....but then looking at the other side of the coin... living with nature, getting up late in morning, no rush or helping each other for breakfast, sitting at the river with fishing rod & feeling the light breeze, enjoying the birds chirping, water flowing, clear sky...; evening spent with sun setting down slowly...enjoying each & every moment....taking a walk with NATURE....

Really sometimes FEAR needs to be thrown out and chances to be taken with all bravery you can.....

For more understanding I am attaching the link of the article... probably whatever I have written is my own perception which could be different then others....

Enjoy reading this full article on the above link.....
