Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Experience of my own skills...

How your own learned skills affect yourselves?
Here I am sharing one of the most important skill of Retail environment - Customer Service(CS)or Customer Excellence !
Is it really that important in today's competitive market?
CS ensures that your valued customer is satisfied & the probability of him/her returning back to your brick and mortar stores or website is very much sure.
Let me share an incident where exactly what I am talking will be more clear.
"Just yesterday I had visited a nearby Vodafone store next to my office for a small query. The customer rep their suggested certain basic requirements needed to complete the process. As I didn't had all the documents in hand I planned to visit the store next day.
Today when I visited the store, the customer rep who was serving me had no idea of how the process works....the conversation happened in such a manner where the customer rep had some technical fault within his system & he denied to solve my query. Frustrated with the kind of answer I asked to meet the branch manager. With the involvement of the manager the query got resolved immediately within 10 mins".
The point here I am trying to reflect on is that even if your's a multi billion dollar organization, unless & until the importance of handling customers is not imbibed in your down level staff the whole system is a failure.
True to its meaning - "Step in customer's shoes" learn to have empathy....